To learn more about TMJ dysfunction, or to set up an appointment with us here at El Paso Modern Dentistry, please give us a call today at (915) 581-4440

Do you have a noisy jaw? Most people have perfectly healthy and functional temporomandibular joints (TMJ), but when this joint becomes dysfunctional, it can lead to a long list of complications that can negatively impact your life. Your TMJ is the little hinge that connects your jaw to the rest of your head, and for the most part, many people pay little attention to it. However, the moment it stops working properly, it may be all that you think about.
TMJ disorder can cause popping and clicking in your jaw, pain and tenderness at the site, and a headache that can spread both up to your ears and down to your shoulder. While TMJ disorder can arise from several different triggers, we here at El Paso Modern Dentistry can help you get lasting relief from your TMJ pain.

TMJ disorder can be somewhat of a mystery to the person who suffers from it. While the exact cause of this problem is not very well known, we strongly suspect that stress is a major contributing factor to it. Other risk factors for TMJ dysfunction include gum chewing, grinding or clenching your teeth, and certain types of arthritis. An injury to the jaw can also lead to TMJ dysfunction, and genetics can also be to blame for the pain associated with this disorder.
The common signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder include a popping or clicking when you open and close your mouth, tenderness and discomfort in your jaw, and difficulty eating. You may also experience aching in the jaw, and some people who have TMJ disorder have their jaw lock on them, making it difficult to open or close your mouth. In some cases, TMJ dysfunction may not be painful, but it is still important to not ignore it, as it can worsen over time if it remains untreated.
If you suspect that you have problems with your TMJ, we can examine the area for you to determine if you have it or not. During your appointment, we will perform both a visual and a physical assessment of your jaw. We will look for any signs of swelling on either jaw. We will also lightly press against your jaw to determine if you have any pain. We will also listen to you open and close your mouth to listen for any of the pops and clicks associated with TMJ disorder.
We understand that having problems with your TMJ is certainly unpleasant and can make day-to-day living a challenge. If we determine that you have TMJ disorder, we can start you on treatment right away to help you get relief from the symptoms of it. Common treatment options include lifestyle changes, including changing your diet or to stop chewing gum. Certain medications can also help with it, such as tricyclic antidepressants or muscle relaxants. An occlusive device worn at night can help, especially if you grind your jaw at night (a condition known as bruxism). Pain medication can also help with the symptoms. In extreme cases of TMJ disorder, surgery may be necessary.
Q. What is TMJ?
A. TMJ refers to the little hinge that links your jaw to the rest of your skull. Most individuals have wholly healthy and functional TMJs, but when this joint becomes dysfunctional, it can result in a slew of issues that can harm your life.
Q .What are the symptoms of TMJ disorder?
A. TMJ dysfunction can cause clicking and popping in your jaw, discomfort, and soreness at the site, headaches that spread up and down your arm, and trouble eating.
Q. What are the other factors that contribute to TMJ dysfunction?
A. Gum chewing, grinding or clenching your teeth, and some forms of arthritis are all risk factors. An injury to the jaw can contribute to TMJ dysfunction.
Q. How is it determined whether you have TMJ?
A. Your jaw will be visually and physically assessed during your session. Any symptoms of swelling on either jaw are examined. A mild squeeze is applied to your jaw to evaluate your pain. All pops and clicks linked with TMJ disease that occur when you open and close your mouth are noted.
Q. What are the most common TMJ treatment options?
A. Typical treatments available include lifestyle changes, such as changing your diet or quitting chewing gum. Tricyclic antidepressants and muscle relaxants can help. An occlusive device worn at night might be beneficial, mainly if you grind your teeth. You may require surgery in severe cases of TMJ dysfunction.
Q. What does TMJ stand for?
A. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which connects the jaw to the skull. Disorders of this joint can cause pain, discomfort, and difficulty with jaw movement. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Why is TMJ treatment so expensive?
A. TMJ treatment can be expensive due to the complexity of diagnosis and the need for personalized care, which may involve splints, physical therapy, or surgery. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. What is TMJ in dental coverage?
A. TMJ treatments may or may not be covered by dental insurance, as it is sometimes classified as a medical issue. It’s best to check with your provider. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Is TMJ a dental issue?
A. TMJ disorders can be related to dental issues such as teeth grinding (bruxism), misaligned bite, or jaw injuries. Dental care often plays a role in diagnosis and treatment. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Can TMJ be cured permanently?
A. While there is no guaranteed permanent cure for TMJ disorders, many patients find long-term relief through non-surgical treatments such as mouthguards, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Can TMJ cause tooth loss?
A. While TMJ disorders don’t directly cause tooth loss, the chronic clenching or grinding associated with TMJ can wear down teeth, potentially leading to tooth damage over time. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q How long does TMJ take to heal?
A. TMJ symptoms can improve in a few weeks to several months with proper treatment, but the healing time varies depending on the severity of the condition. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Can braces fix TMJ?
A. In some cases, orthodontic treatment like braces can help improve a misaligned bite, reducing TMJ symptoms. A comprehensive evaluation is necessary to determine if this is the right solution. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Is TMJ surgery painful?
A. TMJ surgery, like any surgical procedure, involves some discomfort, but it is typically well-managed with anesthesia and post-operative care. Recovery times vary based on the type of surgery. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. Can TMJ be cured without surgery?
A. Yes, many TMJ disorders can be effectively managed with non-surgical treatments, including mouthguards, medication, and physical therapy. Surgery is typically a last resort. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. What is the root cause of TMJ?
A. The exact cause of TMJ disorders can vary but may include jaw injuries, arthritis, teeth grinding, or stress-related clenching. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.
Q. What exercises help TMJ?
A. Exercises such as gentle jaw stretches, strengthening, and relaxation techniques can help alleviate TMJ pain and improve jaw mobility. For more info, please call or visit Dr. Enrique Darancou at El Paso Modern Dentistry.